spiritual growth, Uncategorized

The mouth I once had…the sailor’s mouth…


“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up.” (Ephesians 4:29)

Recently I was sitting down with a dear sister of mine and I shared with her that I used to be a person that was crass and crude. I used to be a person that used words of foul language, it was my normal. I am not perfect and sometimes I use words that are unwholesome, but now they surface when I am mad at myself or stub my toe. I then repent and ask for forgiveness feom God and any ears that heard my slip up.

My dear sister said to me “wow I would have never thought that you could be that way. I see such a sweet and kind person before me.” I did not make this change alone, it was the holy spirit that gave me strength over my mind and mouth to change and be different.

There are days when I lose my calmness, but they are farther and farther days between where I am able to keep my clean mouth. I am a work in progress, I am patient with my journey, and I see that the “me” that used to be rough and tough is no longer needed.

My heart continues to be changed. I want to be the person that builds others up with my words. I now hear harsh words spoken in public and it seems to make me feel that my ears are bleeding. And then I realize it’s my heart bleeding. I know the pain that makes a person feel like they must be loud, obnoxious, and fierce with their words to act as a protective force field. A force field that keeps that next person out and away from hurting me.

I am so thankful to know I don’t need to or want to be that person anymore. I find my strength in the holy trinity. My spirit within me tells me I am loved and I should love others.

For me, the most challenging part in completely taming my tongue is when I mess up…drop something and break it or stub my toe or when someone almost causes a car accident in front of me. To battle this I ask for forgiveness, for help, and take a deep breath.  My request for forgiveness extends from God to any other ears that may have heard my harsh words. I am not perfect but I hope to be better every day.

What challenge of the tongue is a battle for you? What do you struggle intensely with in regards to your tongue? What helps you in your battle to tame your tongue?

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